
Dreams Interpretations, Implications & Solutions

SKU: SRGM-B03 Category:

This book teaches how to receive visions from God, what to do after a bad dream (nightmares), witchcraft dream attacks, and how to handle them. You will master how to exploit the power of your dreams to ordain your destiny fulfillment through appropriating your dreams, their analysis, and interpretations.



IN THIS BOOK, ‘Dreams Interpretations, Implications & Solutions,’ you will find out about how to interpret your dreams, analyze them to make good your destiny fulfillment, find solutions to witchcraft attacks and bad dreams, and secure your freedom from witchcraft, occultism, oppression, and addiction to food, alcohol, smoking, sex or money, and putting your dreams to work.

This book teaches how to receive visions from God, what to do after a bad dream (nightmares), witchcraft dream attacks, and how to handle them. You will master how to exploit the power of your dreams to ordain your destiny fulfillment through appropriating your dreams, their analysis, and interpretations. It will put you in charge of your dreams through the recommended dangerous prayers for wiping off demonic dreams, attacks, and destiny dream attackers, amongst others.